Ordering & Payment
Accepted Payment Methods
One Styled Bride currently accepts the following payment methods:
Financing Options from Affirm
One Styled Bride has partnered with Affirm to offer qualified applicants a way to pay for purchases in easy, fixed monthly payments based on the total purchase amount. For purchases under $250, Affirm offers a 4-month deferred payment plan at 0% APR. For purchases over $250, Affirm offers standard financing terms of 3, 6, or 12 months with rates ranging from 10% to 30% APR. For more detailed information about Affirm's financing options, please visit our Affirm Financing Options & Information page.
Secure Checkout
One Styled Bride's credit card processing system is certified Level 1 PCI DSS compliant. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a security standard for organizations that handle credit and debit card information. This standard was created to increase controls around payment data to reduce fraud, and is the highest standard in the world for payment processing.
Our website and eCommerce software also adhere to strict security standards and protocols, including SSL, fraud protection/detection, administrative security, and more.
Customer Accounts
During checkout, you have the option of checking out as a guest or creating a customer account. By creating a customer account, you gain the ability to check you order status at any time and your contact and payment information is securely stored to simplify your shopping experience in the future.